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Architect with a master’s degree from Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in 2007 and a doctoral degree in the architecture of contemporary public urban space in Bucharest (Realitate. Așteptări. Oferte. Spațiul public bucureștean actual. Piețele centrale bucureștene / Reality. Expectations. Offers. Contemporary Public Space in Bucharest: The Public Squares, 2014, UAUIM). She underwent professional training in Switzerland, with intership positions at Studio di Architettura Aurelio Galfetti and Mario Botta Architetti, followed by Brauen et Wälchli Architectes.

Since 2009, she has been researching, documenting, teaching and engaging herself in the use and improvement of public space ( ).

In 2016, she founded BAZA. Deschidem oraşul (, a cultural and educational association aiming to connect the city’s young professionals (via the podcast Urban Experience on Radio Seven), conduct urban research (Bucharest. Minor Structure – part of the integrated urban development strategy SIDU Bucharest), promote small-scale improvements (Littleimprovements) through architectural, artistic and tactical urbanism interventions, and organize workshops, events, conferences and publications. As of 2017, the association runs in parallel with the architecture practice with the same name, which is actively involved in urban design, consistent with the optimistic belief in a friendlier city which, beyond all conventions, positively educates its own audience.

Distincții în cadrul Bienalei Naționale de Arhitectură: