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Lucian Bugnariu

/ Member of the jury, Collective Housing, BNA 2023
/ Member of the jury, Individual Housing, BNA 2023

He has always been interested in sculpture and painting as well as tehnical sciences, and these two passions, art and the exact sciences, had a great influence on his professional development within his family environment.

The architecture office known as “1408” was set up in 2010 and is run together with his wife, Diana. Both have graduated from “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning in Bucharest, where they specialised in the individual housing programme, both in architecture and interior design.

They are passionate about creating atemporal, functional spaces dedicated to housing, where beneficiaries develop a strong sense of belonging.

Among the most important distinctions for their work are: award at the National Biennial of Architecture in 2021 for the Individual Housing section; nomination at the Annual of Architecture in 2021 for the Interior Design section; nomination at the Annual of Architecture in 2020 for the Individual Housing section, as well as many appearances in specialized magazines and albums.

Distincții în cadrul Bienalei Naționale de Arhitectură: