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Constantin Gorcea

/ Member of the jury, , BNA 2023
/ Member of the jury, , BNA 2021
/ Member of the jury, , BNA 2018

Graduated from Institute of architecture "Ion Mincu" Bucharest in 1985.

Architect (1985-1991) at the Design Center of Suceava County, Chief of architecture department after 1989.

In the years 1991-1993 postgraduate trainees at the Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville and works in architectural agencies AARD and Remy Butler in Paris.

Since 1994, is a co-founder President of architectural design office AGD Suceava.

His projects (, awarded by professional distinctions and presented in magazines and exhibitions of architecture, manifest a constant preoccupation and cultural vision on architecture.

He is a member of the UAR, OAR, RUR and certified expert for historic monuments.

Having a permanently divided activity between design process and activating in professional organizations and committees, he has contributed greatly to the promotion of cultural projects, such as the complex project Center of architecture, urban culture and landscape, Water Plant ( , awarded work at BNA-2014 at section for heritage architecture.

Distincții în cadrul Bienalei Naționale de Arhitectură: